The following are a collection of links to various media outlets covering or mentioning our work investigating the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic, Preprinting the COVID-19 pandemic and Preprints in motion:
‘Preliminary research’ on COVID has been surprisingly solid Popular Science
Preprints on the coronavirus have been impressively reliable The Economist
Discussion of how pandemic preprints change upon publication Science in Action, BBC World Service
A Surge in Pandemic Research Shines a Spotlight on Preprints The Scientist
How Science Moved Beyond Peer Review During The Pandemic FiveThirtyEight
Opinion: The Rise of Preprints Is No Cause for Alarm The Scientist
Preprints: how draft academic papers have become essential in the fight against COVID The Conversation
Rise of the preprint: how rapid data sharing during COVID-19 has changed science forever Nature Medicine
Preprints ‘largely unchanged’ by peer review, even during Covid Times Higher Education
Corona-Preprint-Studien: Wie gut sind wissenschaftliche Vorab-Veröffentlichungen? Forschungsergebnisse
Preprints halten Überprüfung meist stand ORF
How different are preprints from their published versions? Two studies have some answers The Journalists Resource
Covid-19 changes the face of preprints Research Professional News
How pandemic-driven preprints are driving open scrutiny of research Horizon
How preprints accelerated science communication during the pandemic QMUL
Rush to Publish Risks Undermining COVID-19 Research Inside Higher Ed
Problems with Preprints: Covering Rough-Draft Manuscripts Responsibly The Open Notebook
Fast Science: Vetting Rapid Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic Innovative Genomics Blog
For Better or Worse, COVID-19 Put Science Research in Front of More People Than Ever Science Alert
Science publishing has opened up during the coronavirus pandemic. It won’t be easy to keep it that way The Conversation
In the rush for coronavirus information, unreviewed scientific papers are being publicized The Conversation
The Wild World Of Preprinted Science Forbes
Will the pandemic permanently alter scientific publishing? Nature News Feature
Coronavirus crowds out other research papers Nature Index
A shot in the arm Research Professional website eurekalert
Why You Need to Know About Preprints Psychology Today
Other media appearances
Lab leaders wrestle with paucity of postdocs Nature
End UKRI funds for open access publishing, urges report Times Higher Education
Think tank urges academic publishing reform to save £30m Research Professional News
How Different Are Preprints from their Published Versions? Research Square
Podcast appearances
Research Culture Uncovered. Preprints as a catalyst for change in research culture
ReproducibiliTea. Preprint Review
PharmaCast. An Open Research Overview
Grey Lit Cafe. Understanding preprints